Compact Tractor Insurance
in Harrison County, West Virginia
Compact Tractors come in all shapes, sizes, and brands such as John Deere, Kubota, Bobcat (Kioti), TYN, and Mahindra. From mowing and plowing to tilling and hauling, your tractor works hard—and you need an insurance policy that will do the same. The last thing you want is to find out after the fact that you don’t have the right policy for your needs. Nobody ever plans for things to go wrong but when they do, you will be happy to know that you have the proper coverage.

Why Take a Chance?
While insurance isn’t required by state law since compact tractors aren’t street vehicles, your tractor is a big investment. It also comes with big risks. Tractors are powerful, expensive pieces of equipment that can be damaged or cause extensive injury during an accident. Tractor insurance can help you weather these risks. The professionals at Gregis Insurance Agency offer customizable standalone tractor insurance to safeguard you and your tractor, both on and off your property.
Doesn’t My Home Insurance Cover My Tractor?
Most compact tractors fall outside the coverage of your regular homeowner insurance policy, leading to expensive replacements or repairs without the proper coverage. Many homeowner insurance policies have horsepower restrictions limiting coverage for lawn mowers and garden tractors up to only 25hp or 30hp. Tractor insurance can protect you from the huge out of pocket expenses that come with costly repairs or outright replacement if your tractor is damaged during an accident or as a result of a disaster, or has been vandalized or stolen. Without this insurance, if you run into a neighbor’s fence or cause damage or injury to another person while operating the tractor, you’ll need to pay any costs incurred out of pocket.
Protect Yourself and Your Assets
Contact the experts from Gregis Insurance Agency in Bridgeport, WV at 304-842-2054 or toll-free at 1-888-244-6498 for fast and efficient service and answers to your questions about compact tractor insurance. We are familiar with the insurance that you need in Harrison County, WV, Marion County, WV, Monongalia County, WV, and throughout the state of West Virginia, and we can design a policy to suit your specific needs and deliver it at competitive rates. Feel free to use our convenient online Contact form to reach one of our agents, ask a question, or request a free quote.